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To celebrate our Nalle girls 1st birthday on February 7th we wanted to send you an update on how she’s doing and photos.
Nalle is sweet, playful, cuddly, and has brought us so much joy. When we first brought her home she loved sleeping on her daddy’s warm slippers after he went to work. Now she loves playing tug with rope, fetch, and going on walks in our neighborhood. She also dose the cutest little dance when she’s really excited (we attached a video). She’s been wonderful with our nephews, who are 1 & 3, and she understands so many phrases and words -it’s been easy to train her. She also loves everyone we meet. She always acts like they’re the very person she’s been waiting to see all day, even if it’s a stranger in the park.
Thank you so much for taking such wonderful care of her the first weeks of her life. We’re so grateful to you bringing her into our lives.
Sarah, Cade, & Nalle
This is a wonderful family who takes great care to raise each puppy in a loving, healthy environment. When they are ready to go to their forever-homes, the puppies are well-socialized and happy! The family is very communicative, and we highly recommend them to everyone. We now have two Cavapoos - both of them so very sweet, both of them very different personalities, and both with wonderful temperaments. 💗 - Korine
Fantastic family to work with and a very healthy and happy pup. The whole family looked forward to the weekly picture and video updates. Would highly recommend My Cavapoos! - Jenn
We are so happy with our two Cavapoos - we can't wait to get another! Loving, wonderful dogs and a caring, professional breeder! Amazing! - Rebecca
Hello! I just wanted to let you know that we absolutely LOVE this puppy! He has had NO accidents in the house, knows where to go potty and brings us in when he's all finished (followed by a treat, of course). He is such a little snuggler and we couldn't be happier. He really is the best puppy we could ever imagine. We are going to keep in contact with his brother, Cooper for play dates. (We ended up naming Puppy #1, Cooper as well!) If you'd like a testimonial, we'd love to vouch for you! Thanks again for everything, we really couldn't be happier with our new edition to our family!
Alice, Andrew & Cooper
We got our dog, Jake, from you on May 10th 2009. To help jog your memory, since we never actually met you in person....Jake was part of your March 17th litter from Annabellina and Sammy. Your friend brought him over to our house in Issaquah so that my husband could see if he was allergic. Luckily he wasn't allergic. We fell in love immediately and our lives haven't been the same since! My extended family is also quite taken by him. My parents jump at the chance to watch him whenever we go out of town. I think that when their boxer passes, their next dog will be a Cavapoo :). Jake is such a joy....full of personality and spunk. Not only is he insanely adorable, but he also had the most amazing temperament and he was a breeze to train with that "poodle brain" of his. We're going through our advanced training class right now and we plan to have him certified as a therapy dog. He's actually ready for the test, we just need to do it. He has the perfect temperament for therapy work and I'm looking forward to using him with some of my students who have Autism Spectrum Disorders or Anxiety, as well as with patients at Children's Hospital. A local photographer, who was looking to build her portfolio with some dog photos, recently took some fun pictures of Jake. I thought that you might enjoy them, so I attached some of them
for you.
Thanks for the information, I will check into it. As far as Cooper goes, WE LOVE HIM!!!! He is the greatest thing since sliced bread! He fits great into our family with all 5 of the boys. We have taken him to the pet store and the vet a few times and he stops traffic. I think the pet store was happy one day when we finally left so that they could start selling things again! The staff at the vet's all wait for us to arrive because they all want a turn to hold him. He couldn't be a friendlier puppy! He is definitely the right and only dog for us! He has grown a bit and is now about 11lbs. He loves to run and play hard. When you take him to the dog park he takes off and runs plays with all of the huge dogs as if no one has told him that he isn't the same size! He absolutely loves to play catch! Then once he is done playing he couldn't be more content than to snuggle up on my lap for a long nap. I love that part! He is doing great in the crate and now stays dry in the crate...... We have had so many offers from people to take him if he doesn't work out or to house sit for him etc..... he is just the friendliest dog. We are THRILLED!!! He was neutered a few weeks ago and did fine with that. The vet was very pleased with his overall health. He gets his last two puppy boosters tomorrow. I haven't uploaded any pictures in a couple of weeks, but I will try to get that done and get some off to you. Jim keeps bugging me to send you a note to let you know how great he is! He really is, we just can't say enough about him......I get so excited to come home everyday and see him! Thanks again for your note and especially thank you for Cooper! Andrea and Cooper (he is on my lap now!)
We have been loving every day that Luna has been with us. She became a part of the family immediately. She was so easy to train and she is just about the happiest puppy I have ever seen. She loves everyone and gets along with all other animals, cats and dogs. She loves to play and she really is a joy to be around. Everyone comments that she must have come from a very loving place. Today she had her first trip the the groomer and I wanted to send you pictures. I hope you enjoy them. I see you have your hands full these days with lots of puppies. If I could, I would love to get another one. Hopefully, we will be able to someday soon. Jackie, I can't thank you enough for our Luna. I can promise you that she is very very loved here. Hope all is well, Donna
Just wanted to thank you so much for such a wonderful dog. He is a little love. Bob comes to work with me everyday, everyone just adores him, the perfect shopdog. He hears "so cute" so often that I'm convinced he thinks that is what his name is, has a fan club of people and dogs that come by just to see him. So friendly, gentle, smart, sweet I could go on forever. I understand one of my customers just received her puppy from you and just so you know another will be calling soon. Bob's sister Baisy is great too! Can't beleive they are almost a year old. It's so much fun to watch them play. Here are some recent pictures of Bob. Thanks again, Colleen
Just wanted to let you know that Stella is doing great. She is super cute and super funny. She loves our kids and our other dog. She definitely loves attention. She has been such a wonderful addition. Thank you again. Hayley
Hi Jackie: Here are some pictures of Jake taken this weekend. He goes to the office with us everyday...we are working on "our inside voice" at the moment. He is such a little love and a welcome addition to our family. Bobbie
Hi Jackie, Totoro (his new name) made it safety home, and is sooooo cute and sweet. We can tell that you took great care of him. He seemed to do well in the plane, and the 2 hours home to Santa Barbara. He was really excited when we got home and had fun playing with his new toys. Thanks for all your help, Lynn
Hi Jackie,
Hope that you are doing well. Here are some recent pictures of Totoro in Santa Barbara. He is 5 months old now, still great, very smart and sweet. He listens really well, and knows how to sit, stay, play dead, shake, and dance on his hind feet. We are having a lot of fun with him.
Hi Jackie! Here are some pictures of Maverick. He is doing very well. He slept through the night (although we were in bed at 11:00 and up at 5:30), but he didn't keep us up. He is very friendly and affectionate. We have attached pictures we took last night for you to take a look at. We'll keep you posted on how is he doing, and as I mentioned I am taking Maverick to the vet on Tuesday. Thanks again! Laura and Christopher
Hi Jackie,
I wanted to let you know how well our little Scholie
is doing (see pic). She is almost 7 mths old and is now fully house-trained. It just clicked one day and no accidents since. In fact, I got her a special bell that she rings every time she needs to go out. She is very smart and has the sweetest personality. She has made us the most popular people on our street and the neighborhood children constantly fight over who gets to play with her. She loves to go running with my husband and bounds up the steep Seattle stairs and hills. She also loves playing soccer.